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Energy – Greater demands for energy from expanding economies like China and India are  increasing the pressure to create new sources of energy.  China and India the with the world’s third and fourth largest coal reserves respectively are importing coal.  Germany has and Japan temporarily, possibly permanently, ended their nuclear power generation with coal making up for much of the difference.  Switzerland plans to phase out nuclear power in 2034.   Read more.

Carbon Based Fuel Economy – Fuels are stored energy.  The overwhelming majority of the energy we use comes from carbon based fuels.    Carbon based fuels have high energy densities. Gasoline has 50 times the energy density of our best batteries (Li-Ion), coal and ethanol more than 30 times.  Read more.

Biomass – Biomass is stored solar energy.  Biomass energy usage is larger than all other renewable energy usage combined which includes wind, solar, hydroelectric and geothermal.   Biomass like wind and solar is carbon neutral.  Biomass unlike wind and solar is able to produce electricity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  We do not currently have any large scale storage capabilities or any practical emerging technologies that could handle the vast amounts of energy that would need to be stored  even if we had enough wind and solar available.  Read more.

Fossil Carbon– Coal is a combustible rock formed from prehistoric biomass. Like oil and natural gas, coal is considered a “fossil fuel” because it was formed from decaying plant material over hundreds of millions of years.

Biocarbon – Biocarbon is densified biomass made to be economically transported for further conversion. Our process basically speeds up the clock of converting biomass to coal.  Unlike coal, biocarbon produces little harmful sulfur and no mercury emissions. Read more.

Biocarbon Conversion – Biocarbon is a feedstock for chemical processes which can produce gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, synthetic natural gas, or plastic and can also be used directly as a fuel itself to produce electricity.  Read more.

Biochar – Biochar is the name given to biocarbon when it is used as a soil amendment.  Biochar is a form of carbon sequestration since it is stable in soils for long periods.  It has shown to be beneficial to plants in many ways with long lasting effects. Read more.

Our basic premise is that carbon in itself is not something bad.  Its just we should not overload the ecosystem with carbon taken from the subsurface.  We can insert ourselves into the carbon cycle and use the available carbon that is already above the surface of the earth for our fuel / energy storage needs.

The key to large scale usage of biomass is to use the appropriate technology to the fit the biomass facts. Available biomass energy is very large but diversified and scattered.  Making small scale, low cost, universal and mobile capable biomass to biocarbon plants which go to where the biomass exists is key to profitably utilizing the available biomass.The goal would be to have this technology become just another piece of farm equipment.  Read more.

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